About this Style Guide

This is a living style guide for the Encompass. Its intent is to promote visual consistency, unify designers/front-end developers, JJK stakeholders, as well as speed up development time. Sections of this style guide provides CSS styles that can be copied to the clipboard for quick pasting to your projects. Please direct any questions or comments to the TSO Design Team.

Encompass Language Guidelines

Tone & Style

When writing help, validation, and navigational text, please keep in mind that the site is intended for providing compliance guidance to a generally older audience. The tone should be courteous and helpful, but serious-minded. Keep sentences simple and easy to read.

For spelling and other stylistic concerns, consult with Editorial. You may also wish to consult the Federal Government Publishing Office Style Manual. Note that the content often contains inconsistencies. That is not a reason that Encompass should be inconsistent.